Sunday 28 February 2010

sick and tired of being sick and tired.

multitudes of coursework. attention seekers. adults that nag. people who brag. detentions ALL THE TIME. fear of the virtual revolution. bad skin days. bad hair days. sad days. angry days. missing the people that matter. missing deadlines. missing art books.
This is all that is crammed into the box balancing on my neck, called my head. along with some teeth and eyes.

On the plus side, I got my GCSE mock results, which were pretty good. The school may not think so but I'm still pretty chuffed. I got pass marks in everything except German, Music, Chemistry and ICT. Well i never was going to pass them anyway. A 'U' in Chemistry is fine by me :D.

I want summer so bad. Actually I want last year's summer. That was sooo good.

I'm still trying to work out what this blog is about. Looking back, I remember I wanted it to have a theme, like music or TV or fashion. The common theme seems to be me though.
I'm ok with that, it makes a nice change. It's like a published diary, that anyone can read who really wants to.

So thanks for reading so far. Later

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