so a kid in my class, lizzie, brought in 3 BOXES OF MULTICOLOURED SHERBERT today.
You can get these big industrial packs of stuff at a place called Bookers in Canterbury if you own a business. So she always brings in sherbert when our class do charity events. And i promptly bought and bombed and consequently OD'd on this sherbert. Sugar Rush ToTheMax.
Also had an after school detention today, for never wearing the proper uniform to school. I never wear a shirt, just a vest and cardigan with my jumper over it, and I always seem to wear excessive bracelets, leggings with socks, boots, my FAVOURITE turquoise glass bead necklace and nail varnish and a scarf. So my school hates me for that. Still, I don't mind after school detentions too much, as I can just read books in them (atm it's 'Steppenwolf' by Herman Hesse...deep brah. I happened to get onto a pretty sexy chapter while in detention today and, for some reason, felt embarassed).
But it's walking to the bus stop, getting a bus, walking through the bus station and getting another bus, then walking home that does my head in. I hate when it's a blustery day as my hair and skin and clothes make me look like a classic raggedy-ann orphan once I've been outside for five minutes.
Oh and yahh, I plan to go c-c-c-craaazy in H&M tomorrow. Like cover-me-in-glue-and-run-through-the-shop crazy. I made a resolution to myself that for a while I would only shop vintage, charity and, at a push, Ebay, but that resolution failed because the vintage shops in my area are so expensive and Oxfam didn't have much to offer. H&M feels kinda lazy, but the great thing about it is that you can get basic, staple pieces and either dress them down or make them statements. Whereas with Topshop, if you see someone wearing the same dress as you, they'll be wearing it the same WAY as you as well. With H&M, strangers are guaranteed to be wearing it differently from you.
Does that make sense? Doesn't matter. I'm excited.
Ima go tidy my room and have a cup of tea and listen to The Cure's 'Exploding Boy' and Korn's 'Coming Undone.'
Laters brah.
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