Saturday 6 February 2010

hey, idiot on a motorbike.

when i'm walking home at 6.30 in the evening, don't drive up beside me, swerve in front of me in the road, then turn around and drive back to where your mates are to try and impress me. it didn't work.

anyway, tomorrow i am going to funkymonks in canterbury for some thrifty vintage shopping...provided it's even open. if not, charity shops are GO

and i'm dyeing my hair red this weekend, like a dark dark dark red

and i still want that moustachio t shirt. i'll wait for it to go on sale, no-one else seems to want it. can't imagine why

and i want to watch skins episode 2, because emily and naomi are my favourites.

so i'm off to watch that on 4OD, see you cats on the flip flop laterrr

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