Thursday 11 February 2010

'so what are we going to do tonight, brain?' 'the same thing we always do, pinkey...'

i need a plan, i need wardrobe staples.

several years of collecting big printed dresses and jumpers has caught up with me, as i realise that none of the things in my cupboard stay looking as good as i thought they looked when i bought them.

so i have a budget of £30 for now, and i gotsta get some skinnies and a jacket of some sort because i have no coat. and it's been snowing you know?
and i've found that when i go shopping i just buy stuff on a whim, and then think 'woah what the fresh hell?'


on a lighter note though, i'm collecting some old pictures from Canterbury tomorrow, which i'm sort of looking forward to. I like meeting strangers and free stuff and old stuff so it's like fun fun fun.

2x small prints of London scenes from about 1800,
1 larger frame containing page from Illustrated London News,
2 drawings of Highland scenes.
Print of 1899 painting of girl on a bench
small French advertising picture, victorian style
1x Dali
and a dresser mirror. No idea how i'll carry it all but so looking forward to it. I might have to hire some minions to help me carry it all

ok laters, mwah.

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