Monday 15 February 2010

" Ay yo I Once was a kid, all I had was a dream..."

starting off with some music, as I've been asked a few times what my blog is about and in a mad blind panic I've said 'It's reviews of music' or 'It's a fashion blog', neither of which are true. But then I figured music is pretty much all I do so I might as well review some here and there, keep you on your toes.

Chiddy Bang, are amazing. I usually don't like rap, at least not the rubbish chart stuff which consists of 'ay, ay, ay,' on a loop and 'shawty this, shawty that.' All a bit pathetic really. But Chiddy Bang seem to have a sense of good music and how to keep it fresh- their debut album has lots of recordings of speech and train overvoices on it, which make you feel you're in the city with them. It's good rap. Even has a freestyle in there, I think.

Oh , and it was Chinese New Year yesterday

So Happy New Year! I prefer this New Year because it's a bit more organic, less commercial crap, more interesting and colourful celebrations etc.


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