Sunday, 28 February 2010

sick and tired of being sick and tired.

multitudes of coursework. attention seekers. adults that nag. people who brag. detentions ALL THE TIME. fear of the virtual revolution. bad skin days. bad hair days. sad days. angry days. missing the people that matter. missing deadlines. missing art books.
This is all that is crammed into the box balancing on my neck, called my head. along with some teeth and eyes.

On the plus side, I got my GCSE mock results, which were pretty good. The school may not think so but I'm still pretty chuffed. I got pass marks in everything except German, Music, Chemistry and ICT. Well i never was going to pass them anyway. A 'U' in Chemistry is fine by me :D.

I want summer so bad. Actually I want last year's summer. That was sooo good.

I'm still trying to work out what this blog is about. Looking back, I remember I wanted it to have a theme, like music or TV or fashion. The common theme seems to be me though.
I'm ok with that, it makes a nice change. It's like a published diary, that anyone can read who really wants to.

So thanks for reading so far. Later

Friday, 19 February 2010

right now i'm obsessed with...

Hayao Miyazaki

I'm off school right now on half term, and every day on Film4 I've been watching Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli) films. Favourites right now are My Neighbour Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso (which I JUST watched and is amazing) and Spirited Away, though I've only seen a bit of it. I also saw NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind but I wasn't as enraptured by it as I was the other films. They have this ethereal thing going on; they make perfect sense as insane fairy tales and heartwarming stories. So there's a rugged pilot who has the face of a pig? A woodland spirit who kills everything around him in search for his head? A bus that is a giant cat? Yeah, it just seems to fit when you're watching the films. But when you try and explain the story, you realise how mad it is.

These Adverts!

One is an advert for Smirnoff parties - basically really cool parties which I wish I could go to. But I looked on the website and you have to be over 21...even if you are a UK resident. Annoyed much? It makes sense, seeing as the legal drinking age in America is 21, but here it's 18 and I'm only two years off. Grr.
Still, the advert has me glued to the televison each time it comes on. I would put a link to it BUT long story short, I can't vew anything on youtube as I haven't 'installed the latest flash player' so nuts to that. It has people in costumes as ravens and toadstools and lions and princesses. It is a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

And the second advert is a perfume advert for a Gucci perfume, Flora. It has a version of Donna Summer's 'I Feel Love' playing and a girl in a field of flowers with all the flowers rushing everywhere...oh, you can youtube it. I love it.

By the way, all this talk of adverts isn't me trying to make you buy things, or making me want to buy things. Perfume is always ridiculously expensive (I myself still wear Diesel Fuel For Life which I recieved two Christmases ago) and obviously I am too young to purchase Smirnoff. Even though it's nice.

So that's what I'm obsessed with right now.

TTFN, Ta Ta For Now.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Well, seeing as I have to talk about SOMETHING...

I'll start about The Brits, why not.

JLS aren't that great. They're average.

Oasis frontman (whatever the fuck your name is, I don't care), yeah you, throwing your award into the crowd. How very fucking noble and and self righteous. 'Oh I don't care about this award that so many of our fans voted for us to receive, instead I'm going to ensure I hurt someone.' Prick.

Cheryl Cole didn't deserve to be there at all. She's rubbish! Her voice is average. And to top that off, we had to listen to a track of her average voice singing while she ponced around the stage (dancing terribly) and opening and closing her mouth at random intervals like a fish (miming terribly).

Lily Allen looked like Rihanna and made an incredibly OTT entrance, despite not really doing/winning much at the Brits.

Spice Girls...either get one, or all of them, or none. Not two, that's depressing. We know you can't get hold of Victoria Beckham (literally - there's nothing to hold on to...her arms are like wafers) and Emma Bunton has gone and got all fat, but couldn't they have at least got Sporty Spice? round it to a nice number, is all I'm saying.

Lady GaGa was pretty great, and her tribute to Alexander McQueen was definitely pretty heartfelt. And she looked awesome, I don't care what you say. Only she could pull off the candy floss and lace look with such glamorous...glamour.

Florence and Dizzee Rascal was OK, but it seemed more about Dizzee than Florence. They didn't use her voice as much as they should of - I would have exploited her voice like a...well I can't think of anything. But her voice is amazing. But I wish they would let her sing different songs on TV? 'You Got The Love' has been raped by radio so much now I'm getting tired.

Robbie...yeah, he was awesome. Though we guessed what song he would end with...not that he's predictable, that Robbie.

Anyone else? I don't think so. That's all my complainin' and praisin' about the Brits.

Right now I'm trying to get some songs written on guitar- I have to learn a cover of any song (solo, mind you) and write two original songs- one instrumental, and one 'popular music' stylee. Making me thoroughly depressed, seeing as when I signed up to do music GCSE I figured I could just sing through it...not to mention when I started music GCSE I was also teaching myself to play guitar, which I realised I was not very good at, so now I have to play when I'm not actually that good. AND all the people in my group seem to have been musical people since the age of three.


But, as my motto of the last few months dictates, 'Remember it could always be worse.'(and then think of an example scenario where it is much worse)

BILLY CHILDISH has an exhibit on at the ICA in London which I really want to see...BUT I can't. grrr.

That's all peeps <3

Monday, 15 February 2010

" Ay yo I Once was a kid, all I had was a dream..."

starting off with some music, as I've been asked a few times what my blog is about and in a mad blind panic I've said 'It's reviews of music' or 'It's a fashion blog', neither of which are true. But then I figured music is pretty much all I do so I might as well review some here and there, keep you on your toes.

Chiddy Bang, are amazing. I usually don't like rap, at least not the rubbish chart stuff which consists of 'ay, ay, ay,' on a loop and 'shawty this, shawty that.' All a bit pathetic really. But Chiddy Bang seem to have a sense of good music and how to keep it fresh- their debut album has lots of recordings of speech and train overvoices on it, which make you feel you're in the city with them. It's good rap. Even has a freestyle in there, I think.

Oh , and it was Chinese New Year yesterday

So Happy New Year! I prefer this New Year because it's a bit more organic, less commercial crap, more interesting and colourful celebrations etc.


Saturday, 13 February 2010

In Oxfam today, i fell in love with a beautiful boy.

Oh not really. But I did fall in love with Air's single, 'Sexy Boy,' for 49p. And I bought a Smirnoff mirror for £3.99. So that was a good day.

And I bit the bullet and dyed my hair red, but for some reason my hair doesn't want to look like a fire engine, which was the idea. Why ever not? Instead, my roots have immediately gone bright bright red, but left the ends of my hair, which includes the front of my hair, looking dark brown with a red tinge. So I'll have to dye that bit all over again which is a real bother. It's karma.

I also found out there is a place called Eythorne near Aylesham. I found out because I got on the bus to go miles away from where I actually wanted to go. And so I had to leap off the bus, in the middle of nowhere, into several inches of snow (in my new Converse - more on those later). And wait for the bus for 25 minutes in the cold. In a dead town. greeeaaaaat.

Yeah, Converse. I've been looking on Ebay for a pair for quite some time now and then, lo and behold and wonder, a pair in Oxfam for £5.99. When other pairs are about £30 at the cheapest. All the more reason to love charity and look uncool going into a charity shop by yourself. Oh boy oh boy.

Also got a book of 20th Century photographs, so if I can borrow a scanner at school I might put some of those up.

I really can't be bothered with revision for GCSE's. Any of you kids reading this inbetween poring over their AQA Chemistry books are going to really hate me for being lazy. But I just don't see the point. These are my career choices (which my school doesn't seem to support, oddly enough.)

-Writer (of books or poems maybe)
-Bus driver.

Who needs Chemistry? I'm not going to be MAKING the ink.

that's all for now, kthxbye.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

'so what are we going to do tonight, brain?' 'the same thing we always do, pinkey...'

i need a plan, i need wardrobe staples.

several years of collecting big printed dresses and jumpers has caught up with me, as i realise that none of the things in my cupboard stay looking as good as i thought they looked when i bought them.

so i have a budget of £30 for now, and i gotsta get some skinnies and a jacket of some sort because i have no coat. and it's been snowing you know?
and i've found that when i go shopping i just buy stuff on a whim, and then think 'woah what the fresh hell?'


on a lighter note though, i'm collecting some old pictures from Canterbury tomorrow, which i'm sort of looking forward to. I like meeting strangers and free stuff and old stuff so it's like fun fun fun.

2x small prints of London scenes from about 1800,
1 larger frame containing page from Illustrated London News,
2 drawings of Highland scenes.
Print of 1899 painting of girl on a bench
small French advertising picture, victorian style
1x Dali
and a dresser mirror. No idea how i'll carry it all but so looking forward to it. I might have to hire some minions to help me carry it all

ok laters, mwah.

sad day

:( Alexander (Lee) Mcqueen is dead.

I is a snowflake

and i is gonna prevent you.

we have no school today because of the few inches of snow, which i won't complain about for fear of jinxing my good luck.

my school also has a teacher training day tomorrow anyway (in effect a day off for us brute kids) so now it's a FOUR DAY WEKEND. sweeeeet.

dyeing my hair red today methinks, stretching my ear (wanted to since i was about 12 and now got round to it) and off to wander leeward freely into the wild blue yonder...
that is my crap village. to take some nice photos of snow and goats :D

ttyl x

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Is it a bird, is it a plane? No it's just that Whiskey kid.

Poetry has always been cool. At least in my books.
but simon armitage and john agard made it so much cooler.

saw them live yesterday at a school trip. there were other poets, like gillian clarke who many have agreed was dull, and carol ann duffy who, despite being the most famous one there, was also the most unlikeable. as my english teacher pointed out, it's admirable that carol ann duffy doesn't feel she has to prove herself to teenagers, but she could have been a bit less pretentious. it's poetry for chrissake. it's only okay.

But Simon Armitage was engaging, funny and gave a real insight into his brilliant rap-like poems, and had some nice quick comebacks to the clever heckers in the crowd at question time ("Oi, how do you know a poem's finished?" "When it gets to the end...") and ("Hey Simon, boxers or pants?" "Well since you ask, today I've gone commando")

As for John Agard, well he rocked the boat. A poet from Guyana, his poems are funny and get you to laugh at British idiosyncracies, but also make you feel proud to be British. He also looked the part, looking pretty rugged with a fit beard. When we saw him outside in the break before he had done his bit, I thought he was a homeless guy wandering past. But he caught my attention with how mysterious he looked and then I was like 'Wait, he's on the flyer...'

Imtiaz Dharker and Grace Nichols also gave talks on some of their poems. Grace Nichols 'Island Man' is pretty poignant and lovely, and Imtiaz Dharker's poem about the tiffin trays in Mumbai is brilliant. You really need to listen to poetry being read by who wrote it to understand it fully and know how it was meant to be read.

So that's all I have on that topic.
Oh and yesterday i went to funkymonks, where i got a shirt dress thing that looks like Superman and a sailor have had a gay child that works in McDonalds. I love it. Although I'm dying my hair red this weekend so it wasn't a good choice, seeing as red clashes. Still, i might be mistaken for a superhero.

Good night, don't let the bugs bite

Sunday, 7 February 2010

thank you clouds, for sneaking up on us like ninjas.

so uh i was going to go into town and have a jaunt round the old charity shops but the FREAKIN' WEATHER spoilt that plan.

so i went to the newsagent instead and i bought an issue of company magazine, because it had emily and naomi from skins on the front and looked glossy and time wasting.

no sooner had i bought it that i realised on the front cover were the words '15 NEW SEX MOVES-and you thought you knew it all!'

no wonder the little indian lady behind the counter looked a little distressed.

Also, the magazine seemed to preach girl power and femininity and body confidence and self esteem, yet the last four pages were amblazoned with full page adverts for cosmetic surgery, with one even having a barely naked blonde orange woman with her hands on her boobs. to advertise cosmetic surgery.
don't get me wrong, i thought the magazine had some good articles and fashion tips, if overall pretty substandard, and i do like skins admittedly so i liked the articles by Kaya Scodelario, Kathryn Prescott and Lily Loveless. But the magazine was just so hypocritical in its choice of adverts, especially at the back of the magazine. along with the aforementioned cosmetic surgery adverts, there were adverts for sex chat hotlines, private portfolios and the like! i thought this magazine was for old teenagers/young adults, and while some of my age group may feel like they are priveleged to be treated like adults to be able to see this sort of thing, i still feel it sends out such a negative image. Bearing in mind, Kathryn Prescott (who plays shy twin Emily in Skins) said that "The great thing about Skins is that it's not 90210. We don't have to look stick-thin and ripped. Those shows send out the wrong messages by showing body perfect people..." So why is the magazine, that seems so self righteous, advertising cosmetic surgery!? God some people get on my last nerve. Maybe i'm just naive, and the majority of teenage girl fashion magazines are like that.

that's my little review of THAT over.

also i know i want a job. unlike most girls in my year who say they need a job. no, you want the same as me; some little extra spending money and some time out the house. not need, want. big big difference.
i ideally want a weekend job in a bookshop or Topshop. but Topshop probably won't want me because i 'don't look right.' So it's Waterstones then. Good thing i like books.

oh and FYI, drinking tea out of a mug that says 'i am bad' all across it makes me a baddass.

big love

Saturday, 6 February 2010

'and one more thing...'

this photo of my outfit from my friend's new years party has had alot of comments on my facebook so i want to put it up here :D

this picture doesn't do the outfit much justice, seeing as my friend and i decided that kitchen roll made just as serviceable an outfit. which it doesn't. because of rain.

this picture shows off the sequin-glittery-greatness of this outfit a bit more but i had to edit this picture because my skin looked terrible. i really wanted to show off the jumpsuit, which was a super cool sequin one shoulder jumpsuit from topshop...sort of utilising many trends in one :D which i wore with a black plain fitted blazer and tights. and some plain shabby boots...which i know i had a good reason for wearing but i can't remember. but the overall effect was pretty naaiice

that's all, thnQ

hey, idiot on a motorbike.

when i'm walking home at 6.30 in the evening, don't drive up beside me, swerve in front of me in the road, then turn around and drive back to where your mates are to try and impress me. it didn't work.

anyway, tomorrow i am going to funkymonks in canterbury for some thrifty vintage shopping...provided it's even open. if not, charity shops are GO

and i'm dyeing my hair red this weekend, like a dark dark dark red

and i still want that moustachio t shirt. i'll wait for it to go on sale, no-one else seems to want it. can't imagine why

and i want to watch skins episode 2, because emily and naomi are my favourites.

so i'm off to watch that on 4OD, see you cats on the flip flop laterrr

Thursday, 4 February 2010

my german teacher wears crop tops.

so it was dani's birthday today.
and to be nice i got thrown a muffin :D
which frau wade briskly snatched from my hands and put in her drawer.
i didn't get it back.
she's blatantly eaten it.
i hope she choked.

also, i don't get why my D.I.Y cut up t shirt is so taboo at school. i hate school uniform.

rant over.

this weekend, i sort of need this top.


Wednesday, 3 February 2010

'of all the gin joints...'

i'm a bored kid who can't keep up a diary. who knows what this is going to be about, i'm hoping to end up with a sort of internet fanzine slash tavi-inspired fashion journal.
laters haters.