Wednesday 6 July 2011


I haven't been on this in like, so long. I need a theme, and the theme will be music and clothes. I only think my fashion and music blog will be different because I don't know anything about new music and my dress sense is the worst. I am friends with people who make me look like a piece of slime whenever I stand next to them.

So I'm starting a clothes blog, come at me.

Saturday 13 November 2010

By the way

I have a tumblr. I'm never on this, i just don't have the heart to delete it. It's nice having a bit of me taking up valuable cyberspace- I like to think Facebook and Myspace etc are looking at my waste of space blog and saying 'What is she even doing here? She's just sitting there, doing nothing! FFS' and my blog will reply 'Chill, bro.'

see you there.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

'Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard...'

'...but I say, 'OH BONDAGE, UP YOURS!!'

It's been a while since my last frantic and frustrated posts of wankery, although that probably doesn't matter seeing as no-one reads this thing anymore. I'm doing this for my own gratification, it seems (again, with the wankery references). Anyway, I've been banned from the internet by my 'stepfather' (the man whose house we live in). The internet to my computer was disconnected because of my ungratefulness and laziness that culminated in a shocking TWO DAYS of untidiness in my room. Although I have cleared my room, it seems unlikely I will be getting the Internet back any time soon. I feel this is fair because my crime surely warrants a month in the dungeon, and two months thereafter wearing a dunce hat. (What I am trying to say here is that 'my stepfather' (the man whose house we live in) tends to exaggerate the seriousness of pretty much any situation.)

So I've stolen his Internet for the time being whilst he and my mum go watch 'The Expendables', a film with so little culture or intelligence and lacking in my respect that I'm offended that they are paying to see it.

Anyway, I haven't really got much to tell today. I've become a recluse as NOBODY MY AGE WANTS TO LIVE LIFE. We're sixteen, full of surging hormones which make us want to shag each others brains out and get ungracefully drunk and wasted (or vice versa), but instead everyone decides to stay in with a cute cup of tea. Which means the rest of us who actually want to get out the house and vandalise and bang and be generally antisocial and be able to look back and say 'Yeah life as a kid was fucking BEAUTIFUL', are also forced to stay in with a goddamn cup of steaming fucking tea.
I feel like I'm fighting for a lost cause these days. Punk is dead, spontaneity is dead, good times are dead. Even the sunny weather we had is dead. But instead of making the most of it and pulling on our parkas and boots and kicking leaves and finding a great spot to camp out in the woods, we're all staying inside with that stupid cup of tea. And since I've resorted to going to Canterbury and Whitstable and Margate and Herne Bay alone because everyone is seemingly inside, I end up bumping into people who think I'm a loner, ensuring that this boredom is just going to keep going on, round and round in a stupid circle, like the rim of the mug of that CUNTING CUP OF TEA.
Fuck this, I'm going out for a fag and a walk. See ya in a bit. xxx

Thursday 12 August 2010


Dear Edgar Wright,

Please could you withdraw your trailer for 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' from showing in cinemas nationwide. This trailer has been getting me agitated and hyped up before the films I have originally visited the cinema to watch are screene. As a consequence all I can think about is the awesomeness of your latest film and therefore have been distracted from paying attention to several recent releases. I have now wasted £15 on films I can't even remember watching, since all I could think about throughout them was your upcoming slice of amazing cinematography. I also believe that the music used halfway through the trailer ('Invaders Must Die' by The Prodigy) is offensively catchy and full of scratch hooks and a ppumbping bass felt in the chest, which remains in my head for the duration of any films I have travelled and paid to see. You are so selfish.

Angry Hot Fuzz/Shaun Of The Dead Fan Who Can't Remember The Plots To The A-Team Film Or That Knight And Day Film Which Was Actually A Bit Crap.

Saturday 7 August 2010

'Whatever happened to the heroes?'

Amnesty International is something I've been kinda involved with for a while, since Year Nince when the representative for the Canterbury group came to my school and told us about what they do. While I haven't actually joined, I have helped with fundraising, sent pressure emails to world leaders and cards of support to prisoners of conscience. It's one of only a few charities I care about.
One of Amnesty's priorities has been getting the voices of the people of Burma heard. In Burma, the military authorities especially have abusing their power and restricting numerous Human Rights, such as the right to protest peacefully. An example of this is the 1988 protests in Burma. Many students and suporters protested peacefully against the military in crowds in the streets, and many were mercilessly killed, arrested or 'dissapeared.'

I don't really know enough about Burmas history to fill you in, but I know enough to want to convince you to help. A recent campaign by Amnesty International has got hundreds of people involved. All you need is a pen, a hand, a minute, and a camera.
Find out more here:
Please take part!!!
Thanks xxxxx

(No More Heroes- The Stranglers)

Thursday 29 July 2010

'Hey, you. Don't watch that. Watch this.'

I've basically been sitting back and listening to music 24/7. When I'm not listening to it, I'm writing songs. This is to give you an idea of how important music is to me. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH

So I've got a few more songs I've been listening to a lot, or at least been listening to slightly more than any other songs.

Now before you say 'Oh Milly, these songs are sooo last year' and begin getting all snobbish on my ass, well don't. I can't stand people that take pride in telling the world they like new songs that no-one's heard of so that they can scoff at people who ask them what they're on about, and then decide a song ceases to be good a year after it was first popular. Songs don't change, trends do. And I'm not big on trends, thanks. I'm not saying all new music is awful, I'm saying don't stop liking it just because everyone else has.

Also I know this is a short entry, I haven't got a lot of time on my hands


(Madness - One Step Beyond)

Monday 26 July 2010

'I got freedom and my youth'

Okay okay I'm late, but I'm here now so stop shouting.

So since last time, I guess I've collected a few titbits of interesting things to share with you. Firstly...

I really did just stumble upon this from seeing it in my Facebook feed and I fell in love. I'm not going to pretend I'm some sort of skateboarding prodigy, I can only just go round corners without falling off, but I do have a lot of appreciation for it. I think I really got into it, the whole grunge/punk/skate culture when I was about 9. I was a walking talking tomboy cliché, I'll admit it. But I do still have a soft spot for it. And this video just makes me feel so laid back. There's never a dull moment with it, and I can't think of a better track (or a better video for that track. I don't care if it already has a video). I just hope the people from it don't rain lawyers down on me, or worse, shut down the blog D:

I also got a hair cut today. I know I said I wouldn't do anything with it until next year but then i realised that's stupid because it's just hair and if you fancy getting it cut then just do, and it'll grow back anyway if you don't like it. That said, I do love my hair now. Before, one particular boy had said I looked like Kurt Russell.

Now that's not bad, and while admittedly eyepatches are scientifically proven to dramatically increase your awesomeness output, I'd rather not look like a man. So obviously I decided to go for a crop, the least masculine haircut invented.


(This is my eyepatch)

I think I might go ginger next, or bright bright red. Not sure yet. Though I have wanted to be ginger since I was a kid...

Seeing as this blog is a round-up of all things from when I was like 10, I think some music I got into at that age would finish it off nicely.

The Distillers- Drain The Blood

Slipknot- Before I Forget

My music taste has matured a lot since then. Though I still love The Distillers. And have a girl crush on Brody Dalle.

I should also mention now that I'm hoping to bring out a fanzine at some point, but I'm pretty busy as it is so it might be a while. Just look out for little paper zines littered around Canterbury. And I'm hoping to be a part of a website project by a friend of mine based on his own zine (which I don't know enough about yet and I don't want to jinx so I'll keep schtum about) but more on that when I know. If you fancy helping me smuggle zines about the place, or want to contribute articles, thoughts, whatever, you know who to call. (No, not Ghostbusters, you should call me.)


(The Distillers - Young Crazed Peeling)