Saturday 7 August 2010

'Whatever happened to the heroes?'

Amnesty International is something I've been kinda involved with for a while, since Year Nince when the representative for the Canterbury group came to my school and told us about what they do. While I haven't actually joined, I have helped with fundraising, sent pressure emails to world leaders and cards of support to prisoners of conscience. It's one of only a few charities I care about.
One of Amnesty's priorities has been getting the voices of the people of Burma heard. In Burma, the military authorities especially have abusing their power and restricting numerous Human Rights, such as the right to protest peacefully. An example of this is the 1988 protests in Burma. Many students and suporters protested peacefully against the military in crowds in the streets, and many were mercilessly killed, arrested or 'dissapeared.'

I don't really know enough about Burmas history to fill you in, but I know enough to want to convince you to help. A recent campaign by Amnesty International has got hundreds of people involved. All you need is a pen, a hand, a minute, and a camera.
Find out more here:
Please take part!!!
Thanks xxxxx

(No More Heroes- The Stranglers)

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