Sunday, 25 April 2010

''Your conscience will be mine... all mine''

Because this blog is oh so boring right now and seeing as no-one looks at it anymore, I made up a little gimmick slash time killer for myself. Each post's title will consist of song lyrics, starting from today. Either the lyrics will be relevant to the post or, more likely, it will be what song I'm listening to at that time. This is supposed to give the blog an 'edge' and some theme; in this case, it vaguley resembles some music interest.

Fuck it, I know I'll get bored of it before long. I never commit to anything. Like how I told myself I would run the London Marathon. Not only could I not muster the strength or motivation or sufficient monkey's arse to care about it, I also found out today (the day of said marathon) that peole under a certain age have to run the gay mini marathon. So I wasn't even educated about anything to do with the marathon, just thought it were a larf. So you see, my committal skils are...well, non-committal.

Oh, and I managed to cook up a song for my music composition. It's called Saint's Day. Yeah, that's right, went back through the back catalogue of poems and other shit on my computer, found some old effort, and bish bash bosh, got a song in under an hour.

Who's laughing?


Me, you idiot.

Love you and leave you.
P.S (The song today is Stand And Deliver by Adam and the Ants...I won't go on about how much I love Adam Ant, words aren't enough. xx.)

Thursday, 22 April 2010

'Telling lies, is that a surprise'

Yeah yeah, I know, I'm posting posts for no reason AGAIN. Don't have a go, I'm bored.

Like a million kids my age, right now I should be doing all my happy tidy coursework and revising like a good little child. Let's throw in a few house trained squirrels and bluetits...and a small deer. And as I whistle while I work, the shutters of the thatched cottage I live in fly open, and the friendly breeze tidies up all my papers and books into alphabetical and colour-coded order, sweeps all the mess from the floor in my room, makes the bed...hell, it even sorts out my pencil pot and make-up bag. And everyone I know calls me on the telephone and says 'Oh Milly, can you come out tonight? There's a marvelous beach party on.' And I simply say 'No I can't, I is revisin' liiike. Bare busy, yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Sure, no probs bruv. Yeah, soz, ah's working maself baaare, is mentaaaaal. Laters.'

Wake up now.

I think I'll just bitch about my REAL life so far, that's much more interesting. H'y'right.
Oh yeah, so, over at my dads the other night, and after watching Ashes to Ashes (yeah, Dad and I are so much better than those shit 'detectives'- we knew whodunnit right from the start, it took Gene Hunt an hour to work out and he still got it wrong. dick) I saw that there was going to be loads of eighties choons on real late...and I must say, I'm glad I watched a small bit of it. I was introduced to the wonder that is Fun Boy Three. Huh? What's that? You don't know. What a surprise, no-one does. Well go on that Youtube you cool-cats are so fond of, and search 'Fun Boy Three- Our Lips Are Sealed.' If you like it, tell me (I like introducing people to things they eventually fall in love with). If you don't... you can tell me that too. If you really want.

Oh, and by all means tell me if you like all my stupid idleness on here. If you don't... you can tell me that too. I enjoy constructive criticism as much as the next being.
One more thing before I go- I heartily endorse books. A massive range to choose from, you can like a genre, or an author, or a series, or even judge a book by it's cover and only read books with your favourite colour adorning it. I don't care, just read something. Anyone that still isn't convinced, and needs it dumbed down- It's a pretty film you can pause and take with you anywhere (weather permitting). Just go read, please. Reading is so enjoyable, I am risking failing my GCSE's for it, when I should be doing all my happy tidy coursework and revising like a good little child.

See you later, and bring some book and music suggestions next time you're here. Don't think I'm all give and no get. I'm not that kind of girl.


Saturday, 17 April 2010

'Reasons To Be Cheerful.'

(Except the cliche stuff like 'friends, family' etc)

- Sunrises
- Parties
- Sunrises after parties
- Marlboro Reds
- Drunk with friends
- Smirnoff Ice on a hot day
- Old men smiling
- The rush after running home from the bus stop
- Catching THAT person's eye
- Art postcards
- Music
- Chatting to Dave from Indoor Market
- Leather jackets
- A stranger starting conversation with you
- Walking around at midnight


Wednesday, 7 April 2010

amélie, mayfair and hair dye.

Hung out at my sister's flat yesterday, and watched Amélie. If you haven't seen it, all you need to know is it's a rather lovely story about a french girl who decides to devote her time making people's lives good. I know, it's sound a bit 'Pollyanna,' but bear with me. She helps people appreciate their lives using odd techniques, such as forging a letter to a grief stricken woman from her dead husband, or returning a box of memories to a middle aged man, or walking a blind man quickly down a pavement and describing rapidly what is going on around him. At first I thought it was going to be a bit kitsch, but as it has many adult references in it it gets evened out. Is nice.
I also quit smoking for what seems to be roughly the twentieth time. After staying up late, smoking ciggy after ciggy and damn near retching, I quit (for the time being).

And I dyed my hair, again. I went from this copper/mousey colour (occurring after strpping my hair of as much colourant as possible):

To this...

I like red. <3
Basically this picture demonstrates the red the best it can. Although in reality the hair is just a weencey bit MORE red.

that's all today. x.